Monthly Archives: June 2015

When Traditional Schooling Fails

By Wood Creek Academy

Here in the United States, we try to do our best to give every child a complete education. Hopefully, we succeed at this goal the majority of the time, but we know this isn’t always the case. Instead, what often happens is that some kids fall through the cracks, so to speak. For many of them, the answer may lie somewhere like homeschooling or private schools. However, for many children, especially, teenagers, something more drastic is called for.

woodcreekacademy1You may have heard of a boarding school for troubled boys before or even boot camp for teenagers. The two types of programs differ in many ways, but their main goal is always the same. They’re there to help bring your child away from an environment that may be fostering a destructive lifestyle. It could be your household, unfortunately, but more often than not, it’s the school they go to, their neighborhood or the friends they spend time with. Once you remove these factors for a long enough period of time, the child is often just fine.

It also helps that these programs help build self-worth and teach confidence. When a child lacks either of these elements, it’s generally only a matter of time before something goes wrong in some area of their lives.


Troubled youth programs are often the best—and sometimes, the only—way to help your child get back on the right track so they can lead long, fulfilling lives. This is where Wood Creek Academy can help.


3 Reasons Why You Should Go Back to School

There is a close connection between website interaction design and communication. In fact, it consists of several disciplines. This could be either non-technology or technology-related disciplines.

Among these words, visual and space make up an important part. So, here are 4 tips that will contribute to better UX Design:

1: Every Word Matters

Just a single call-to-action, instruction or a change of words can make a difference. User testing can help you find the right words. You can find out which part of your site seems confusing. You’ll have to add further instructions also. Of course, you don’t want to overload the user by explaining every little thing.

2: Think About UI Patterns

Using tried-and-tested UI patterns, one can save users the need to think too much. This is because they are familiar too. You can find UI patterns since they exist on many sites too. That said, trying to stand apart from your competition can cause your visitors frustration.

3: Consider chunking

Short-term memory can only remember 5-9 items before forgetfulness sets in. So, UX designers should limit the number of items to about 7. Chunking is another approach that one can take. Using this method, one can group similar items together. For example, if you have 32 items, you can group them into 8 groups of 4. This will make it easy on site visitors.

4: Use White Space As Much As Possible

Leaving more white space isn’t considered a good idea. Still, it adds to your design even if you think it doesn’t. First, it attracts attention. Also, it clarifies relationships as white space between groups of information. Best part: it helps in improving comprehension by making elements on the page legible