Monthly Archives: September 2015

3 Strategies to Cope With Students Who Have ADD or ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not considered a learning disorder by the Learning Disabilities Association of America. Yet the truth is that many students still suffer with this disorder or associated issues.


While the traditional education plan is difficult enough for normal students, it becomes twice as difficult for teachers to make learning easier for those with ADD or ADHD.


Here are 3 strategies for teachers who have students with these learning disorders:

educationalsolutions1: Easily Frustrated

Since they don’t like repetitive, reading or writing lessons, these students tend to get easily frustrated. Yet it’s true that since they learn quickly they don’t like going over these lessons over and over again. Also, both reading and writing are activities that can be too slow and carried out one at a time. So, it seems like a waste of time to these students. How you can deal with these issues is to get them to listen to an audiobook while they’re doing something else. For writing, get them to use a keyboard instead of writing with a pen or pencil.


2: Quickly Distracted

Students with ADHD find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time. For this reason, it’s important to keep lessons shorts. Also, you can help them breaks down their tasks into smaller parts too. Math is one area where this is applicable. Instead, set a short-term goal of completing a set of problems along with a break once it is complete.


3: Hyperactivity

These students need to be in constant motion. While this can be simple to handle in a home settings, it can be very difficult in a traditional setting. You can allow them to move around the room or even use an exercise ball as a seat that will help them burn off excess energy while studying. Moving and learning can be an excellent tool as these students are capable of doing a couple of things at a time. Another important tip involves keeping your student’s hands busy.

How to Get Your Troubled Teen Back on Track

By Wood Creek Academy

Everyone remembers how difficult it was being a teenager and all the problems that went along with it. Even those of us who look back on this time fondly can recall that there were at least a few trials and tribulation along the way.

While this may be a natural part of growing up, it can also be sufficient for affecting the rest of our lives. This is why you may want to consider behavior modification schools for your child if they’re exhibiting troubles at this time. Sure, every teenager lacks discipline from time to time, but if yours is really beginning to worry you and nothing else seems to be working, troubled youth programs have been proven to get results.

Nowadays, these schools have impressive success rates and offer a combination of classes in things like will power and self-discipline with more traditional offerings so that your child can still graduate on time with the rest of their peers.

Don’t let your child continue to make the same mistakes. Instead, send them to a school that will help them get on a better path toward a better future. It’s never too late to get them the help they so desperately need.


Sometimes, programs for troubled youth are exactly what your child needs to get back on the path to success. At Wood Creek Academy, you’ll find a staff of teachers and mentors armed with a proven program for helping your child succeed.