Monthly Archives: June 2017

How to prepare your toddler for preschool?

Transitioning your child to preschool can require a bit of planning to ensure you and your child have a good first few weeks. Here are a few tricks to help you get started.

Explore the idea of preschool – Start out by acting out common daily routines like leaving your child at school, saying bye, eating a snack from their lunch box and taking naps.

Read books about preschool – There is a long list of books about preschool and what adventures your child could get up to there.

Make a game out of practicing self-help skills – Practice skills like putting their coat on, taking a backpack off and fastening their

Play at your new preschool – Take your child to their new preschool and let them play in the yard before your child starts the program. Familiarizing your child with their new environment, will build confidence and help them adjust to their new setting.

Listen to your child’s worries- Ask your child if they are concerned about anything relating to starting preschool. Reassure your child that you will be there to pick them up on time and you can be reached at any time during the day if they want to come home.

Notice nonverbal messages – Since most three-year-olds will not be able to communicate all their feelings, they may act out by clinging, crying and getting aggressive. Some children may even move backward and stop doing routine tasks that they used to do.