6 Signs that your child is ready to start kindergarten

It is important to start your child at Kindergarten when he or she is ready as this would mean that your child is mature and capable of handling the challenges of kindergarten. It also means that your child will be within the same age bracket as the other children, which will provide him or her with a level playing field. Here are six signs that your child is ready for kindergarten.

Follows simple directions – You want your child to be able to listen and take instruction from a teacher, which means that they need to understand when you ask them to complete a task or behave when asked to do so.

Stay in one place – You don’t need your child to sit in one plays for hours on end, but if they can sit for at least 20 minutes to complete a small task, they will be able to participate in a class environment.

Uses the restroom – When your child starts Kindergarten, they should be able to manage to go to the bathroom and clean up by themselves.

Recognizes some letters – Your child does not need to be able to read, but they should be able to recognize some letters of the alphabet.

Motor skills – Your child should be able to jump, throw a ball, run and be able to hold a pencil and scissors.

Gets along with peers – Your child may not be able to share or take turns all the time, but they should be able to do so sometimes.