Tag Archives: school

4 Good study habits to help your child excel in school

Children in middle or high school will have a larger workload and many assignments during the year. To help your child stay ahead of the curve, here are some simple habits that will support your child rise to the challenge.

Get organized – With so many tests and assignments to keep track of, it can soon seem overwhelming for your child and yourself. Look at a quarterly planner that will help you and your child keep track of what needs to be completed by which date.

Know what is expected of your child – Most children will receive a course outline that will outline the how their test questions will be structured. If your syllabus guide is unclear, speak to a teacher or another parent who can clarify questions.

Designate a study area – A study area is a good idea as it will help your child concentrate and give them a quiet area to study and complete assignments. Look at creating a space that is well-lit and one that is comfortable for study. Look at removing all distractions like a TV or gaming console from this space.

Develop a study plan – A study plan will give your child a clear idea of what types of questions will be included in their tests. Avoid cramming for a test as this will only stress your child and sometimes cause to underperform.

Encouragement – Remember to encourage your child and tell them that they are going a good job when they score well.


Schools adapting to transgender pupils

Article written by Education News Articles

educationalsolutionsIt is important that schools are equipped to handle transgender pupils. The issue was raised by The Association of Teachers and Lecturers in the UK. They have voted to provide teachers with the necessary training to be able to handle this issue more successfully.

Mr Graham Easterlow, who works in a residential school said that one of his pupils came out as being transgender, he said that “The interesting thing is that I don’t think it was difficult for the pupil. The pupil was absolutely aware – she was extremely clear and knew exactly how she wanted to identify,” he said.

“The challenge came when we realised that the school was facing an issue for the first time and there was no precedence. There was no process to support that particular coming out.

“That’s the difficulty. Schools are ill-prepared. And there is a blind spot on that particular issue.”

Easterlow said that it is important to have a “strong, open dialogue” with the pupil concerned. They should be asked questions like, how they would like to be known and what kind of support they need to move forward.

According to Easterlaw, he believes that changes in toilet facilities should be considered as adaptations in the same way changes are made for the disabled.

His school adapted very well to the change and the necessary school facilities were provided to the pupil. He however noted that pupils were more accepting of such students than his staff members, who thought that the school was “pandering to a fad”.

4 Tips That Will Help You Succeed in School

Article written by Ez Biz Niz

No matter whether you are a student who is taking remedial classes or even one who has reached the point of no return with your academics, there’s still some hope if you want to get back on track with school education.

Given that there are certain fundamentals that almost ensure success in high school, following these might help you doing so.

Having said that, here are 4 tips to succeed in school:

#1: Attend Class Regularly and In Time

Attending class regularly and being in time is very important to your studies. If you don’t, they you won’t be able to take notes and understand what is being taught throughout the year. Also, ensure that you pay attention to what is being taught in class.

education#2: Turn Work In On Time

Ensure that you start on your assignments as early as possible. If you’re finding it hard to do so, then break them into smaller chunks as this will make learning much easier than you think. In fact, maintaining a calendar would be a good idea since you will know which assignments are due.

#3: Take Notes

Without taking class notes, it isn’t possible to review any lessons that have been taught. Reviewing your notes will help you retain the information in your long-term memory. Also, it is a good idea for you to consider a tried and tested notetaking system such as Cornell, outline or think link.

#4: Set Aside Enough Time For Studies

If you want to excel, ensure that you put in two hours of study for every hour of class. Also, complete the assignments first but after which take some time to enjoy yourself. As for studying, concentrate for 30 minutes and then take short breaks in between.